Meet the Bun
Grumpy aka Bertie McBean is a French lop by nature and a bunny jam packed with disdain. Hailing from Cleveland, OH, he was saved from a hoarding situation and relocated to Indyclaw Rescue in Indianapolis, IN. One fateful day, he was adopted by a lady (me!) and meandered to Louisville, KY. His knack for traveling and zest for life, blew him upstream to Bellevue, KY where he currently resides. He is a free range rabbit who loves acoustic music, the smell of feet and apples.
"The Big, Brown Huh?" and the "The Big, Brown Bunny that Can't/Won't Hop" are illustrative children's books seen through the eyes of a crotchety (yet lovable) rabbit's point of view. Join "Bertie McBean" as he learns valuable life lessons all the while keeping true to his nature and blazing his own trail.
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"No matter how much everyone begged, persisted, pleaded, and insisted, Bertie McBean could not hop."
- The Big, Brown, Bunny that Can't Hop